American Heart Month is over, but we could all stand to treat ourselves a little better year-round. More specifically, we should aim towards healthier hearts. And the better we treat our hearts—striving towards a balanced diet and proper supplementation—the better off we ultimately are. When you make a daily habit of adding New Earth’s Energize to your lifestyle, you’re adding CoQ10 to your system as well. That means you’re stimulating cellular energy throughout your body. You’re also enhancing your physical performance and what your body is able to handle. Essentially, you’re giving your heart a boost. And that’s a good thing.

Fast facts:
• A CoQ10 supplement can help increase your antioxidant levels and protect your cells from free radical damage.
• Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women.
• Energize is designed to promote a healthy heart and strong cardiovascular system.

Give your heart a new start.

Learn more: http://oldsite.newearth.com/downloads/Energize.pdf
Try it: www.teamnewearth.com/www/ProductDetail?item=21621