Amy Chadwick Feature Article

“I was going through a couple of health concerns about a year and a half ago. I started noticing a great deal of brain fog, my energy was dwindling and I just couldn’t find my words when speaking. I was like,” what the heck is going on?” I need to get some tests done.” That’s how my conversation began as I spoke with Amy Chadwick, RN about her journey to becoming a New Earth Wellness Entrepreneur. 

It turns out, after going through a series of lab tests, Amy found that she had some serious health issues that led to a major surgery. “After the surgery, I was still very low in energy, my mood was funky and I just didn’t feel like myself,” Amy said. “With almost perfect timing, a friend introduced me to some supplements. I’ve always been pretty well-read when it comes to holistic health and diet, especially with my background as a Health Coach, so after carefully researching the products I went ahead and gave them a try,” she added. 

“Paired with my healthy eating habits, the enzymes and algae made a tremendous impact. Within a month my body started responding. I was full of energy in the afternoon, I didn’t feel like I needed a nap, I found my words with ease, I was back on my game.” Needless to say, Amy was thrilled. She dove into a bit more research to better understand the connection between the products and the benefits she was experiencing and soon after, she was sold. “The supplements have been amazing for me. So, I can’t talk about them enough.” 

Amy is a stickler when it comes to the products she uses, with quality and safety being of the utmost importance. As she talked about New Earth as a company she mentioned the importance of quality and testing. “New Earth’s commitment to quality and rigorous testing is invaluable. I won’t put junk into my body and this company stands by their quality and testing processes.” 

The choice to become a Wellness Entrepreneur with New Earth was an easy one for Amy. “I’m a registered nurse, a personal trainer and a health coach. I am a steward of my body and I help influence people to take care of theirs. New Earth fits perfectly into preventative health and maintenance, therefore I use it daily and recommend it to others.” Needless to say, it’s a choice she is glad she made. “It’s been fun to learn more about the science behind the products (I like to know how and why things work), I’ve enjoyed sharing these products and this opportunity with others, and it’s also been nice having some extra cash in my pock every month.” 

As we wrapped up our conversation I asked Amy what she would say to someone who is considering becoming a Wellness Entrepreneur with New Earth and here’s what she had to say, “New Earth manufacturers the highest quality products, each product undergoes rigorous testing in order to bring you the best superfood possible. These products provide a vast array of nutrients and a variety of benefits like mental clarity, bowel regulation and more. All in all, if you are passionate about wellness, New Earth manufactures products you can truly stand behind.” 

Thank you, Amy, we certainly agree!

New Earth is on a mission to have a positive impact on the health of every body and soul we come in contact with. We specialize in producing third-party certified, organic whole food supplements that feature a rare, yet highly, nutritious superfood, Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA). Also known as organic Wild Microalgae®. That’s not where it stops, though. We have provided thousands of self-starting individuals the opportunity to become Wellness Entrepreneurs and generate income on their own terms for decades. 

Is this opportunity for you? Are you ready to take on the challenge and reap the rewards of being a Wellness Entrepreneur? Let’s find out together. Learn more about the New Earth Opportunity.

Enjoy Amy’s full interview, below!

Each person has an individual experience with New Earth. Success in working the New Earth business is based on your particular efforts. New Earth’s products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.