As our weather shifts across the United States, our thoughts inevitably turn to gardening. After all, the fruits and vegetables we grow in our own back yards are about the most fresh and nutritious we can get our hands on. But those are hardly the only advantages. In fact, there is a wide range of benefits to consider when it comes to gardening.

  • Less pesticides and fertilizers on our foods
  • Less money spent at the supermarket
  • Less food waste (less food thrown out)
  • Exercise can lead to reduced stress and lower cholesterol
  • An increased sense of awareness and greater sense of pride
  • An added opportunity to “go green”

At New Earth, we encourage you to spend more time in your gardens this spring and summer. Digging in the dirt and seeing what food you are capable of growing is a wonderful, even fulfilling experience. You will be able to add to the meals you create in your home and create all new memories with your families and loved ones.