Everyone Has a Story

The experiences we have and people we meet along the way shape our lives and help to write our story. The same holds true with food. Your past experiences, the information that has been shared with you, and many other factors help develop your food story, a piece of your life story.

So, what is your food story? How would you describe what food is to you?

We know that the car and fuel analogy is broken as the human body and food are far too complex and miraculous to fit into that tiny box. So if food is not fuel, what is it?

Food, in a way, is information that triggers events. To elaborate, when you consume food your body sends signals to your brain letting it know that food is coming in. These signals orchestrate the digestion process allowing your body to process and utilize the nutrients that are coming in. Just as your food story is a story within your life story, your food has a story to tell as well.

The story begins with you. It begins when you eat, where you eat, what you eat and who you eat with. It includes the meals you share with friends and the feeling that brings you. It begins with how you feel about what you are eating and how you feel about food in general.

Once the food is off the table and in your mouth we head to digestion…What to do with all these macronutrients (proteins, carbs, and fats)?

Incoming carbs trigger the blood sugar to rise. Carbs are then broken down to glucose which sends the message, “hey, release some molecules and send them over to the pancreas.” The released molecules say, “hey pancreas please send out some insulin”. This one message triggers an entire process that prepares the rest of our body to receive the glucose that’s on its way and the communication and story continues.

Incoming proteins and fats send their message straight to the gut, “hey gut please send a little cholecystokinin (CCK), a hormone.” Chatty CCK goes straight to the pancreas and demands the production of enzymes that help break down the protein chilling in your small intestine. That’s not the only message CCK send though, it also asks the gallbladder to share a little bile to further help with digestion and lets your brain know when you have reached capacity. And, since its chatting with the brain already it interacts with the neurotransmitter systems that are involved with your mood.

Once digested these food compounds are sent to our cells, little Drill Sargents that put peptides and amino acids to work doing what they do best, building muscle, creating enzymes and more.

What happens with the other macronutrient? Fat components integrate into the cell membranes and help to fuel the creation of hormones.

That’s only the macronutrient chapter. There are several other chapters in your food’s story that cover the many processes the body has to utilize the food you consume.

Your body, your food and the way the two interact and communicate is nothing short of amazing. Your food holds power and information that triggers communication throughout your entire body! The right food has the ability to nourish you with positive side effects like mental clarity, clear skin, and a joyful mood. And, the right digestive supplements have the ability to help your body utilize these nutrients.

Here is the best part, this is your story to tell and it always begins with the food you choose to consume.