Minerals: What They Are And Why They Are The Most Underrated Micros

We’ve all heard several health-focused phrases like “make sure you eat your fruits and vegetables” or “be sure to take your vitamins.” But, what about minerals? Have you ever been told to make sure you get your minerals each day? Most of us haven’t, and it’s unfortunate because minerals play a tremendous role in overall health and wellness. 

It’s time to pull minerals out of the shadows and discuss the benefits of different minerals as well as where to get them. You’ll soon be repeating the phrase, “be sure to take your vitamins and minerals today.” But first, what exactly are minerals?

By simple definition, minerals are pure elements that occur naturally in the earth and in food. They are different from other dietary components like proteins, vitamins, and carbohydrates in that they are made up of single elements.

When it comes to dietary requirements, minerals can either be trace or major. Major minerals are those required in quantities of more than 100mg every day and include the likes of calcium, sodium, potassium, chloride, phosphorus, magnesium, and sulphur.

Trace minerals on the other hand are required in much smaller quantities. They include iron, iodine, manganese, copper, selenium, and fluorine just to name a few.

So why are minerals so important? For some perspective, here are some of the key benefits of different minerals in the diet.

Improved Immunity

Different minerals have been identified as useful in immune processes from supporting white blood cells to taking part in non-cellular defense mechanisms. Some of the most important in this case are copper, zinc, selenium, and iron.

Bone Health

Bones and teeth are made up of minerals like calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. These form the molecular lattice systems that maintain the strength and integrity of the skeletal structures. Any major deficiencies could lead to all sorts of problems from weak teeth to bone issues.

Formation of Blood Cells

Red blood cells require iron for the formation of a compound known as hemoglobin. This is the stuff that carries oxygen from your lungs to all body tissues and carbon dioxide back to the lungs for elimination.

It goes without saying that iron is therefore crucial for survival and general functionality.

Gut Health and Overall Functionality

Minerals play an integral role in gut health especially when it comes to peristalsis. Generally speaking, the gut is just one long tube of muscle that is constantly contracting and relaxing to push food along the tract.

For this to run smoothly, you need just the right amount of minerals like calcium, potassium, and magnesium.

Transmission of Nerve Impulses

Sodium and potassium are required by nerves to create action potential which is what allows them to communicate. Without going into complicated detail, these minerals simply move in and out of the cells creating charges and in turn form electrical impulses used by the nervous system.

Cofactor in Biochemical Reactions

Cofactors are compounds and elements that facilitate biochemical reactions. While they may not be a part of the reacting compounds, without them the chemical processes would be impossible. Minerals play a huge role in this case facilitating reactions from metabolic processes to immune functions.

7 main sources of minerals

Clearly, minerals are required for good health and optimal body function. So, where do you find these ever-important minerals? Here are seven fantastic sources of minerals:

Organic Wild Microalgae®

Organic Wild Microalgae, also known as Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA) is a rare blue-green algae that is found abundantly in only one place in the world, upper Klamath Lake in southern Oregon. Its extraordinary nutrient profile sets it apart from many other superfoods in its category. 

AFA contains a wide variety of nutrients including minerals, antioxidants, protein, carbohydrates, fats and fiber, and more. Over 60 trace minerals including copper, sodium, and magnesium are found in every serving of this amazing algae. All playing different roles in ensuring wellness and optimal functioning of systems.

Milk and Dairy Products

Animal milk and dairy products like cheese and yogurt are rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and selenium. 

Dark Leafy Veggies

These include the likes of kale, spinach, and collard greens. They offer about 6 to 8 percent of daily iron requirements which is easily one of the most important of all the minerals. They are also rich in other essential elements like manganese, calcium, and copper.

Fish and other seafood

Fish is a fantastic source of trace minerals like iodine and zinc. It is also rich in potassium. The mineral levels are often higher in salt-water fish including shellfish.

Red Meat Including Liver

Red meat is rich in several minerals including iron, zinc, phosphorus, and selenium. Liver, in particular, is an excellent source of iron.

Whole Grain Cereals

Whole grain cereals are often overlooked as anything more than a carbohydrate and fiber-packed food group. However, they stand out on our list of sources having most of the major minerals, second only to AFA  in overall mineral content. So some brown rice or oatmeal every now and then is a great addition to a healthy diet.

Dietary Supplements

Dietary supplements are particularly handy when it comes to filling gaps. Especially for those to practice a restrictive diet such a paleo, vegan, or vegetarian. They allow us to eat how we prefer while maintaining peace of mind that our bodies are getting the vitamins and minerals they require day in and out. 

Try AFA from New Earth

With 60 wildcrafted trace minerals and 13 different vitamins, AFA is an excellent addition to any diet. This whole food supplement fits seamlessly into any diet and comes fully loaded with third-party certifications including vegan, dairy-free, non-GMO, halal, and kosher.

What’s more, each bottle comes with a 90-day money-back guarantee for a risk-free trial.

At New Earth (link to newearth.com) we are on a mission to positively impact the health of every body and soul we come in contact with. We specialize in producing third-party certified, organic whole food supplements including a variety of probiotics, and digestive support. Our supplements feature a rare, yet highly, nutritious superfood, Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA). Also known as organic Wild Microalgae® , AFA is a unique type of blue-green algae that is available in many forms including algae tablets, algae pills, and algae powders all designed to help you on your journey to holistic wellness. The best part? We offer a 90-day money-back risk-free guarantee on all of our products. Visit our website to learn more.