Network Marketing—A Realistic Way to Work from Home

One of the most commonly asked questions on the internet is “ways to make money from home.” Earning money online seems like the best thing that you could ever engage in. Imagine working from the comfort of your home on the internet without facing some of the daily hurdles that most people face at work. You won’t have to deal with annoying bosses; everything would be well in the serenity of your home. However, you will discover that there are a lot of traps and scams in the world of making money from home.

One of the proven ways to make money from home is through direct sales, which is also known as network marketing. This is a decades-old business model that uses direct sales to clients through word of mouth and relationships. According to NBC News, approximately 80 percent of Americans buy health products online; therefore, you can easily source for clients online. In this marketing model, you will be paid for the sales you make and for successful referrals.

As a network marketer, you won’t need an office or expensive equipment. You will only be required to:

  • Refer clients to purchase products
  • Sponsor other people to become business owners (associates).

After you sell a product you will get a commission, and for each person, you sponsor you will also get a commission on their customers as well. This way, you will build a customer base and a group of like-minded fellow associates. Therefore, the more sales you make and the more associates you bring on board, the more money you earn.

Earn Money as a New Earth Network Marketer
Whole body superfoods are a growing trend in the network marketing industry, and now is the best time to get in. New Earth is a leading manufacturer of natural whole superfoods that provide essential nutrients for a healthy body, mind, and spirit. The network marketing industry is a $190 Billion a year (link to: industry. New Earth is primarily about quality life-changing products—but the result of changing people’s health for the better also creates an income opportunity.

Why New Earth?

Low cost to get started
One of the best ways to make money from home without investing a lot of money is by becoming a New Earth (link to: Associate. If you were purchasing a small business, for instance, a Subway franchise, you would need an initial outlay of $100,000 and a net-worth of over $500,000. How long will it take you to recoup your investment? As a network marketer, you can get started anywhere for less than $100.00.

You don’t need to hold tons of inventory
New Earth is going global and is currently open for business in the U.S and Mexico, and it is in pre-launch in Colombia and Ecuador. Therefore, you will need very little to no inventory holding because New Earth has warehouses and headquarters in those countries that can take care of all the inventory and order fulfilment. This means if you need more products for personal use or for your customers, you will place the order and the headquarters will ship it for you. The advantage of partnering with New Earth is that your cash flow isn’t tied in boxes of products sitting inside your home. There are very few companies that will give you the opportunity to build your network in several countries right away.

If you have a strong desire to help people, you can make money from home and enjoy more benefits by partnering with New Earth.