Superfoods are called “super” for very good reasons: the foods are rich in nutrients and especially beneficial for our health and wellbeing. Sometimes referred to as “nutrient powerhouses,” you can expect superfoods to have a wide array of antioxidants, polyphenols, vitamins, and minerals contained in them. The long and short of it is, adding more of these to your daily lifestyle reap huge healthy returns.

Some of the top recognized superfoods—along with their benefits—include:

Mushrooms: contain zinc, fiber, selenium, potassium, and phytochemicals
Algae: very high in vegetable protein and easily-absorbed nutrients
Kale: high in fiber, vitamins A & C, calcium and rich in antioxidants
Turmeric: enhances mood; contains curcumin, which may increase seratonin
Coconut Oil: contains triglycerides to help boost metabolism
Apples: fiber and polyphenols help decrease “bad” cholesterol
Chia seeds: a single ounce = nearly 5 grams of protein; great source of fiber
Ginger: relieves nausea, aids in digestion
Fennel: rich in vitamin C and potassium, which fights high blood pressure
Green Tea: polyphenols increase metabolism; regulates glucose levels
Blueberries: anti-aging effects; low in calories and high in fiber
Garlic: rich in antioxidants, helping combat the common cold
Avocados: great source of monunsaturated fats (or the “good” fat) and energy
Vinegar: benefits digestion; high in acetic acid, increasing calcium absorption

At New Earth, we’re proud to say we feature over half of these top superfoods in the products we create and promote. To learn more about New Earth’s products—and the superfoods we use in them—visit Why Science Matters and